Rahul Jain
Hello, I'm Rahul Jain – a passionate Full-Stack Developer with a flair for UI/UX design. I thrive on transforming complex ideas into seamless digital experiences. With a Master's in Computer Science & Engineering and a deep love for code, I craft innovative web solutions that stand out. Whether it's breathing life into React applications or sculpting beautiful interfaces, I'm dedicated to delivering excellence. Let's collaborate and turn your ideas into captivating reality."


Some of my past works are:

📁 Project: E-Commerce Website

  • Description: Developed a responsive e-commerce website using React and Redux. Implemented features like product catalog, shopping cart, and user authentication.
  • Role: Full-Stack Developer
  • Technologies: React, Redux, Node.js, Express, MongoDB

📁 Project: Blogging Platform

  • Description: Created a dynamic blogging platform with user authentication and CRUD functionality. Designed a user-friendly interface using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap.
  • Role: Frontend Developer
  • Technologies: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript

📁 Project: Task Management App

  • Description: Designed a task management app with a clean UI and intuitive user experience. Utilized React for the frontend and Node.js for the backend, connected via RESTful APIs.
  • Role: Full-Stack Developer
  • Technologies: React, Node.js, Express, RESTful APIs

📁 Project: Portfolio Website

  • Description: Crafted a personal portfolio website to showcase my skills and experiences. Designed a sleek and responsive layout using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Role: Frontend Developer
  • Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

📁 Project: Online Learning Platform

  • Description: Developed an online learning platform with course registration and user progress tracking. Implemented interactive quizzes and a dashboard for learners.
  • Role: Full-Stack Developer
  • Technologies: React, Node.js, Express, MongoDB